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Found 2172 results for any of the keywords month in wordpress. Time 0.010 seconds.
This Month in WordPress: November RoundupRead this article to catch up with WordPress news in November: WordPress 6.4 release, discovered phishing attempt, and WordPress 2024 roadmap.
The Month in WordPress – December 2023 | Fahlstad DesignAs 2023 came to a close, WordPress bid farewell with the much-anticipated annual State of the Word and the 6.5 roadmap, among other exciting updates.
The Month in WordPress – March 2023 | Fahlstad DesignMarch saw the arrival of the first major release of 2023, WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy.” Planning for the project s 20th anniversary continues with new celebratory updates and commemorative swag. Read on for the latest happenin
Moving Toward SSL WordPress NewsWe’re at a turning point: 2017 is going to be the year that we’re going to see features in WordPress which require hosts to have HTTPS available. Just as JavaScript is a near necessity for smoother user experiences and m
Episode 73: Inside the Interactivity API WordPress NewsDownload file | Play in new window | Duration: 28:38
Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS WordPress.orgOpen source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or app.
Tide A series of automated tests run against every plugin and themeNote: All chats happen on Slack.
People of WordPress: Sunita Rai WordPress NewsThe People of WordPress series shares inspiring stories of how people’s lives can change for the better through WordPress and its global community of contributors.
People of WordPress: Allison Dye WordPress NewsPeople of WordPress: Allison Dye
WordCamp WordPress NewsIt has to be said and repeated: WP Engine is not WordPress. My own mother was confused and thought WP Engine was an official thing. Their branding, marketing, advertising, and entire promise to customers is that they re
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